Carolyn J. Woodson
Angel Medium
Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher
Date: JUNE 22, 2017.
Time: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Online. You can stay in the comfort of your home.
Sign up here. (Link to sign up for webinar. Just let me know which email address used).
We will discuss how to Move on after we experience Death, Divorce, and other losses.
Myths we are told about Grief:
Time heals all wounds.
Replace the loss.
Grieve alone.
Be strong for others.
Bury your feelings.
They are no longer suffering.
That we grieve in steps.
Grief is a normal, natural and intense feeling. The problem is that we have been told to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural. We are told to intellectualize it and we forget that grief is heart centered.
Whether your loss is from:
The Death of a loved one.
The end of a relationship.
The loss of career.
The loss of trust.
The loss of faith.
The loss of safety.
The loss of health.
The loss of one’s home.
The loss of a dear loved one through illness.
People say you have to let things go and move on in your own life, and they grow uncomfortable when you are dealing with the emotions of Grief. Join the webinar and begin the conversation. Carolyn J. Woodson has worked with clients for the past 20+ years to help them bring an awareness and harmony to their lives. Carolyn is a professionally trained Health & Wellness, Life and Grief Recovery Life coach. Carolyn has experienced many of the losses listed above and can relate to the journey of Grief. Fortunately she thrived and came out the other side. As a compassionate guide she will take you through this webinar on Grief and Loss while introducing how you can begin to recover from loss.
Carolyn J. Woodson CPC, ELI-MP, CRMT, CGRS
Website – www.carolynjwoodson.com Email – Carolyn@carolynjwoodson.com
Phone – (510) 219-0027
©Carolyn J. Woodson and Spiritual Adventures LLC (2008-2017).