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Integrated EnergyTherapy ®

          Workshop - Basic.

Integrated Energy Therapy™ is one of the next generation energy therapy systems. The mission of IET is to “Heal the world one heart-at-a-time.” Developed at the Center for Being by Stevan J. Thayer IET uses the violent angelic energy ray brought to us by the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field.

IET is known as getting the issues out of the tissues for good. The term ‘integrated’ is used to convey our healing vision of “integrating the pain of the past, into the healing power of the present, to bring about the JOY of the future.” IET classes are powerful days of energetic self healing as you will receive an attunement so that you can begin to integrate the energy. In each class the participants are attuned to an angelic energy ray that will activate their 12 strand DNA.


You will learn how to Heartlink to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. You will learn how each human emotion relates to a specific physical area of the body. You will learn how to use the IET integration power points and learn how to clear them. No prior energy therapy is needed. You can become an energetic intuitive through the IET classes. You will be taught how to feel and interpret the energy flow. You will learn how to clear the energy patterns in yourself and others. For students of other holistic modalities such as massage and acupuncture, IET is a perfect complement.

                           WORKSHOP CAN ALSO BE SCHEDULED FOR 1:1.

BASIC IET (Integrated Energy Therapy)  December 2, 2022.


  • A one day 10:00 to 5:00 class with an hour lunch scheduled. Note it can also be given in two half days, or two evening classes. The great thing about this is I am open to tailoring it to fit students needs.

  • There are no prerequisite’s required for this course.

  • What is required is an open heart and mind.

COST - $333.33. You will receive a Basic IET booklet and a certificate of completion. Payment in advance secures your place in the class. To pay for Basic IET click to the 


If taken with the Healing Angels of the Energy Field the cost is $444.00. To pay for your space in both courses please click below. 


NOTE – Integrated Energy Therapy is complementary to other healing modalities and can be used to accelerate one in their own healing journey. It is not a replacement for traditional medical approaches. While it can be very effective there are no medical claims made as to the outcome of this treatment. Each client understands that they are responsible for the use and choice of professional healing assistance.

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  • Learn how to Heartlink with the angels.

  • Attune to the Basic energy ray that activates the 1st and 2nd DNA pair.

  • Learn how to energize and integrate cellular memory blocks.

  • Locate and energize the energy integration power points using the IET cellular memory map.

  • Discuss how to facilitate both absentee and self treatments.




  • Release and identify long held feelings and memories.

  • Clear away energy blocks that limit your health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity.

  • Empower you to have more fulfilling and loving relationships.

  • Helps you discover and begin to live your Soul’s mission in life.

  • Support you in self healing in all areas of your life.

  • Increases your connection to and work with the angels.

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