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FORGIVENESS. The other 'F" word.


Freedom comes with Forgiveness. Freedom from the past.

Freedom that brings a new beginning. Freedom from pain.

Freedom that brings empowerment.

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Freedom is possible! Actually freedom is necessary so that you can experience life without constraints.

Forgiveness brings freedom and opens the door to loving yourself. Loving yourself is important because when we can love ourselves we are able to love others. Imagine, loving yourself even during times of chaos. Forgiveness is often said to be a gift and while that is true, it is also a blessing. As we begin to shed layers of the past we find ourselves feeling lighter and more able to handle life in a more empowering way. 


So, ask yourself, are you feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Does the past haunt you? 

Join in this 5 week course and begin a lifelong journey to Freedom. Freedom that brings Peace. A Peace that defies all understanding. Experience a level of love for yourself that you have longed for. Discover an awareness of what is weighing you down.

Learn how to let go and really begin to live!

During this 5 week course you will learn new tools that stem from ancient sacred practices. You will form a toolkit that you can access 24/7. A toolkit that can run on automatic when the practices are used often.

Sacred practices that will be interwoven over this life changing 5 week course

include sacred geometry, meditation, affirmations, Ho'oponono and Angelic energy.


WEEK 1 - FORGIVENESS. We will discuss the core of what holds us back from living life. We will discuss forgiveness, its importance and how to use the sacred practice of Ho'oponopono in our daily life.

WEEK 2. GRATITUDE. Forgiveness combined with gratitude helps to build one's strength's and can assist in improved well being. 

WEEK 3. PEACE. Peace is achievable. Peace does not mean that we condone what has happened. Nor does it mean you are welcoming back the harm done to you. We will examine the emotions and decisions that arise.

WEEK 4. ACCEPTANCE. Explore what healing looks like. What healing feels like. What healing can lead to.

WEEK 5. COMING TOGETHER! Techniques will be shared that can assist in your

 healing process. Techniques that you can use in your own life.


Every Sunday you will receive the next week's information with an exercise for you to complete. 

After each session you will receive a recording of the weekly session. To preserve the privacy of the participants we will not record the community discussion.

We will meet for 75 minutes on 5 Saturday's at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time

beginning April 13, 2024, continuing April 20, April 27, May 4

and May 11, 2024. 

If you are unable to attend the session will be sent to each recipient.

During the Zoom session feel free to just listen in without appearing on screen.

Each week you can expect ...

 An opening meditation.


Sharing. Q & A.

Sign up today! 


Carolyn J. Woodson 

Carolyn is a Reiki Master and Angel Medium. 

Carolyn loves working with her clients and supports their growth. 

More information can be found on the About Carolyn page.

Clients have said ...

"Carolyn is a Earth Angel sent to help others align with their best selves."


"Carolyn was sent to me at a time I had given up on life and I am so grateful for her guidance."


"Carolyn is a kind and gentle soul who cares about her clients."

"After a session with Carolyn I connected with a peace I had never known."  

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